A little space to show my love for this amazing woman. Thank you for existing, Bárbara López, I love you.💓


Yellow is an inspiring color just like you. You inspire thousands of people every day. You are our happiness, our brightest sun. Thank you for illuminating our lives, my sunshine.


Blue represents expansion of the sky, and the depth of the sea. Just like your huge heart and the deep energy you carry with yourself. Your harmony and spirituality fill us with light, even distant. I look at the sky, and I remember you, everytime.


For me this is the color that has the most to do with you. It is a warm color, indicating strength, courage, determination, fire, passion, vitality, desire. And you are fire, both inside and out.


1. Your energy. I can feel it with a simple photo, even being so far from you.
2. Your personality. You are authentic and unique. Your inside is extraordinary.
3. Your smile. In fact, it is the most beautiful and radiant smile I have ever seen in my life.
4. Your voice. You have one of the most powerful and beautiful voices in the world, I could hear you sing every day and I wouldn't get tired.
5. Your talent. I'm so proud to be a fan of a talented person like you.
6. Your kindness and humility. You're always very grateful and you care about people.
7. The way you love animals.
8. Your musical taste (one of my favorite things about you, surprises me more and more)
9. Your style.
10. The sound of your laugh.
11. Your hair.
12. The way you appreciate art. Always with so many incredible references.
13. Your desire to always be evolving and become the best you can be.
14. The way you see things.
15. Your cheeks.
16. When you put your hand on your chin.
18. Your eyes. So intense and deep, I love it so much.
19. Your playful way, comedy queen hahaha
20. How you dance.
21. The fact that you're always grateful to your fans.
22. Your strength.
23. The way you speak.
24. Your simplicity.
25. Your soul.
26. For making me smile even without knowing.
27. Just for existing.

I could keep writing reasons all day. I love you, queen.


Have I told you today how much I love your personality? Probably I've said it trillions times but it's so true... There's no one like you. Do you have any idea how good you do to us by just existing? You're so inspiring, your beauty surpasses the physical, it's something there are no words in the dictionary to define. You're beautiful from head to toe, I hope you know that. I'm grateful to have met you, I'm grateful to have found such a wonderful person like you. You have helped so many people around the world and I'm so proud of all that you have done. I'm proud of what you're becoming and I never doubted it. I never doubted that you would be able to achieve everything you are achieving because you deserve it. "Perseverance is my motivation," right? I know you already heard you couldn't make it, I know you thought you weren't born for it and it wouldn't work. But thank you so much for not giving up and for giving us the opportunity to see you doing what you're doing in a spectacular way. I love to see you acting, every project, every piece you get. Many things are yet to come, and I'm sure life only has good things in store for you. Never doubt your potential, never forget that you are the woman you are, never let your light go out, never give up on you for anything or anyone. You're important. I love you with all my heart and I will always love, this is a promise.

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Happy 27th Birthday, Bárbara López | August 13,1992.

© By @lopezbeso.

( Made with Carrd )